Winter takes a break

A rare opportunity arose to hit the bay and run the boat before what will probably be 8-10 weeks of cold, miserable conditions. With the water temperature in the bay being somewhere around 54 degrees, the air temperature today topping out at 70 degrees on a calm, sunny day, conditions were superb! Low and behold, a big container ship rolled thru and created a perfect lefthander that went for 3 miles or more…and nobody around except us. Gotta love it!

The kicker?? The entire Texas Coast was flat as a glassy lake with not a ridable wave in sight… Tanker Love ain’t so bad now is it?

62 gallons of fuel for truck and boat–  $186.00

fresh seafood lunch for 4 at Topwater Grill—$70.00

the entire Fulbright family taking a day off together and enjoying a perfect day in Galveston Bay—PRICELESS 

Book your charter now! Winter discount!!! Capt. Fulbright awaits your visit.

Move along...nothing to see here... just a mirage.
move along...nothing to see here...just a mirage.