Now Booking for the 2023 Season!
A lot has been going in preparation of the 2023 tanker surf season. My truck was down for over two months and then the boat has been down for nearly that long too. We have yet to do a recon or run a charter and it’s nearly June. There continues to be an ongoing channel dredging project. The Corp of Engineers have been deepening and widening the Houston Ship Channel, by widening it by 150′ and deepening it to nearly 60′. It began over a year ago and still continues to this day. What does that mean for us? Certain parts of the channel that have yet to be dredged or is currently being dredged will not be surfable, due to the dredging operators asking the ship pilots for a “slow bell”. This means the ships have to slow down enough to not make a wake and potentially dislodge the dredge or throw workers off the barges. Slow speed is a wave/wake killer. The good news is that they have completed the operations in the lower end of Galveston Bay. That opens up a few of the good spots that were unsurfable last season. The bad news is the spots in the upper end of the bay are now quiet. I am optimistic that we will still get plenty of good ships and waves this season, and with the deepening and widening of the channel, we actually may get even better waves. Time will tell.
Per bookings, I still can not emphasize enough about everyone doing their due diligence, by reading up on our skill requirements and booking requirements. If you are a beginner or do not have ample skills in paddling and riding a longboard, or you have health issues, do not ask to book a spot on the boat. It is a very challenging wave and not to be taken lightly. Also remember that it is very fickle, and I run very few charters a season due to wind. Winds from any direction over 8 knots sustained kill the wave and makes our ability to chase the ships and keep up with the waves nearly impossible. It’s not like any other surfing experience. You just have to trust me on this.
If you are interested in booking a charter, the very first thing to do (after reading as much information provided as possible) is to fill out a booking form to completion. I can not answer any of your questions until I have that information.
Wave On!
Captain James