Hot Summer 2012

It has been a good tanker season so far, with a couple of exceptions: One-mucho rain and thunderstorms! Dodging bad weather in the bay is an artform all to it’s own!  Two- I have experienced major motor problems and I have a brand new $21,000.00 Yamaha SHO! On one charter, the water pump just burned up for no apparent reason which forced me […]

Tanker Surfing Season 2012 Heats Up

It’s only February and while the water temps in the bay are still in the 50’s, and old man winter is still hanging around, we already have charters booked for April. March is wide open!  People ask me all the time if there is a season for tanker surfing and typically my answer is yes. […]

Winter takes a break

A rare opportunity arose to hit the bay and run the boat before what will probably be 8-10 weeks of cold, miserable conditions. With the water temperature in the bay being somewhere around 54 degrees, the air temperature today topping out at 70 degrees on a calm, sunny day, conditions were superb! Low and behold, a big container ship […]

The end of an awesome season!

After a long summer of too much wind, not enough rain and no beachfront surf, September and October turned out to be perfect for several groups wanting to catch the wave of their lives! I had several charters in a row that I never blogged about and to them I apologize. Here are some photos […]

3 From The Big D

I try to blog about every group that comes to tanker surf because each and every trip is unique. So is each and every group! The 3 from the big D (Dallas) were 3 surfers who were all stuck working in Dallas but were surfers from Hawaii,Massachusetts and California originally. They all had been planning this trip […]

Precision Strike-Operation Dark Skies!

Ok-we hate to kick dead horses around these parts but…….It’s been really windy. So windy in fact, we have had fairly consistent surf along the beach front and for late June…well, that is virtually unheard of. If you haven’t been living under a rock, you are also aware of the lack of rain for months…and […]

Spring has sprung!

Tanker surf season 2011 is here!! There are many exciting things happening with For the first time, tshirts and hats are now available to buy on the website! The tshirt and hat blanks are the finest available and the graphics are sick! Be one of the 1st to get yours. Another new development is […]

Fall is in the air!

With the changing of the seasons upon us, cool fronts with offshore winds are usually a welcomed event along the beachfront, as they groom our typically choppy windswells into clean lines. The bay is quite different. North winds will chop up the bay quickly and wreck havoc on a tanker surfing expedition. When the weatherman forecasted the […]

Liquid Force Leprechauns!

The founders of Liquid Force Wakeboards, Jimmy Redmon and Tony Finn, are both avid surfers who live in sunny Southern California. Jimmy grew up in Houston and went out to Redfish Island back in the 70’s once to catch the odd tanker wave that would  peel along it’s eastern shoreline. Decades later, Jimmy returned to his […]

World class waves in my backyard

We motored out at first light into Galveston Bay, two longboards strapped to specially-crafted racks as the hum of the Mercury powered us into the Houston Ship Channel. One massive tanker passed, then another and finally a third. It was the fourth that lit the bay up, sending a chest-high wave rippling in its wake […]